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dc.contributorÀrea d’Investigació i Formació Social i Criminològica
dc.contributor.authorCapdevila Capdevila, Manel
dc.contributor.authorFerrer Puig, Marta
dc.contributor.authorFramis Ferrer, Berta
dc.contributor.authorGarrigós Bou, Albert
dc.contributor.authorMora Encinas, Judit
dc.contributor.authorBatlle Manonelles, Ares
dc.contributor.authorLópez Izquierdo, Berta
dc.contributor.authorBlanch Serentill, Marta
dc.description.abstractThe study shows for the first time the global rate of recidivism and the specific rates of each community sanction and measure (CSM) in Catalonia (as community works, training programs, outpatient therapeutic treatments and therapeutic commitment) applied as obligations, suspensions or direct sentences. It also provides updated, quantitative and comprehensive information on personal, criminal and criminological variables who meet this type of criminal sanctions and measures in the community. The target public was all those who in 2010 finished a CSM (N=8,839 people). We also followed them until 12/31/2014 to know if they had commited a re-offence and had a new punishment either in CSM or in prison. The follow-up period was 4.5 years on average. We payed special attention to two criminal types with a high incidence in the CSM system at the time of this study: traffic offenses and violence against women. To do this, apart from developing a thorough analysis of the profile of people who commit such crimes, it has been compared with the profile of people that the same year 2010 left prison because of traffic offenses (N= 227 inmates) or violence against women (N = 156 inmates).ca
dc.publisherCentre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzadaca
dc.relation.ispartofRepositori del Departament de Justíciaca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.titleRecidivism in community sanctions and measures 2015. Executive summaryca
dc.subject.lemacEmpresonament -- Alternatives -- Catalunyaca
dc.subject.lemacReincidència -- Catalunya -- Estadístiquesca
dc.subject.lemacCirculació -- Infraccionsca
dc.subject.lemacViolència envers les dones -- Catalunyaca

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