A guide to preventing suicide in the prison environment: families and friends
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The project to create these guides is based on the interest of the General Sub-Directorate of Rehabilitation and Health Programs of the Department of Justice, Rights and Memory to address the prevention of suicide in the penitentiary environment.
From the CEJFE, this initiative has been supported, through the coordination of the working group and the materialization of the same in both virtual and paper format.
These guides are aimed at the entire environment that is in contact with people deprived of their liberty, so that we become agents of suicide prevention. Thus, there are 3 different guides: For professionals, organizations and volunteers; by the same persons deprived of liberty; and a third for relatives and close people.
This guide, addressed to relatives and close people, aims to help detect signs of possible suicidal intent in people deprived of their liberty and to give guidelines on how to act. The purpose is that the whole environment that is in contact with people deprived of their freedom can become an agent of suicide prevention.
Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (CEFJE)
Publication date
16 p.
Is part of
Repositori del Departament de Justícia
Subject (LEMAC)
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Guia per a la prevenció del suïcidi a l’entorn penitenciari: professionals, entitats i voluntariat
A guide to preventing suicide in the prison environment: persons deprived of liberty
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