Controversies in the assessment of bodily injury
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The topics discussed are currently some of the most controversial in the area of bodily injury assessment. In order to obtain a consensual solution to the controversy raised, it has been chosen to make an exposition of the various topics in the form of a clinical session, prior to its publication. These sessions have been held once a week, at the headquarters of the IMLC, and the presentations that have been scientifically reasoned, with the support of the jurisprudential study done, have been exposed so that the attending colleagues can evaluate - them and question them. Therefore, we are dealing with a study carried out not only by the authors who sign the works, but also the active and critical participation of all those who have attended the sessions.
Publicado por
Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (CEFJE)
Fecha de publicación
236 p.
Publicado en
Repositori del Departament de Justícia
Materias (LEMAC)
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