Canadà. Voluntaris i voluntàries antifeixistes desapareguts a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil
Alternative title
Canada. Antifascist volunteers who went missing in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War
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Document version
Published version
[CA]: De les persones que van viatjar a l’Estat espanyol per combatre el feixisme durant la Guerra Civil, prop de 1.700 provenien del Canadà. La majoria van formar part del batalló Mackenzie-Papineau (també anomenat Macpaps), de la XV Brigada Internacional. D’altres van servir al batalló Abraham Lincoln, de la mateixa brigada, en bateries antiaèries o als serveis sanitaris republicans. En aquest treball s’hi presenta, per primera vegada, una llista exhaustiva dels voluntaris antifeixistes del Canadà que van morir o van desaparèixer a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil, i en la majoria de casos s’informa de manera precisa de l’espai on cadascuna d'aquestes persones podria haver mort o desaparegut.
[EN]: Among those people who travelled to Spain to fight fascism during the Spanish Civil War, almost 1,700 came from Canada. Most of them served in the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion (also called Macpaps), in the XV International Brigade. Others served in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion, of the same brigade, in anti-aircraft batteries or in the Republican sanitary services. This work presents, for the first time, an exhaustive list of the antifascist volunteers from Canada who died or disappeared in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, and in most cases, the area where each of these people could have died or disappeared is precisely reported.
Direcció General de Memòria Democràtica
Publication date
117 p.
Programa Alvah Bessie
Subject (LEMAC)
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