Study of reoffending in high risk releases from prison (2010-2013)
Document Type
Working document
The study reveals the specific characteristics of the inmates who leave prison from closed regime, without making a gradual return to the community through an open prison or conditional release; and who have also a high risk of violent recidivism evaluated by Riscanvi (tool for the assessment and management of risk in the Catalan penitentiary system). After a follow up of this group, the study determines its recidivism rate, once they spend few years in liberty.
The sample studied (N = 365) is composed by inmates, with the described characteristics, and who left prison between 2010 and 2013. They were followed up until 30 May 2016 to see if they relapse.
Through the research, 289 variables were collected and crossed what permitted to describe the specific characteristics of these inmates in comparison with the regular prison population. A specific analysis of recidivists is also made.
The third group of data collected has to do with the treatment that these people received in prison before release and if it has any impact on recidivism. Those inmates who received specialized treatment and/or psychotropic medication (anxiolytics, antidepressants, antipsychotics or neuroleptics) are compared with those that didn’t.
Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (Catalunya)
Publication date
2017Is part of
Repositori del Departament de Justícia
Subjects and keywords
343 - Dret penal. Delictes
23 p.
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- Investigacions [318]
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