Recidivism in high-risk releases (2014-2016)
Document Type
Working document
In 2016, the first edition of the research was published that collects the recidivism of high-risk released cases (collected in this same catalogue), which deals with people who had been released from prison with the application of the protocol that 'mentioned in the report between the years 2010 and 2013. The study wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of the protocol and work procedure for the release of inmates with a high risk of violent criminal recidivism. These people are usually released definitively directly from prison from the first or second degree of penitentiary or to be complying with security measures, without having made a progressive and supervised return to the community (such as through conditional release or the third degree) and with a prognosis of high risk of committing a new violent recidivism.
What is now presented in this study is the second update report of the cases that came out between 2014 and 2016. The study followed the entire set of this high - risk population (N=352 cases) and added two control samples selected from medium risk (n=355) and low risk (n=365). In total, the sample study includes ( n = 1,072 cases) followed from the moment of their final freedom in the reference years (2014-2016) until 09/30/2019, the closing date of the fieldwork. The follow-up period for recidivism ranged from a minimum of 2.7 years to a maximum of 5.7 years. The average is 4.2 years, with a standard deviation of 0.8 years.
The reader will find not only the recidivism data, but the comparison of the criminological characteristics of the 3 groups, the comparison with the previous study as well as a longitudinal follow-up of the cases from that first study. The quantitative methodology is complemented by a qualitative report which collects the main evaluations on the operation of the protocol made by the various agents involved (penitentiary services, victim care services, Mossos d'Esquadra, Prosecutor's Office, etc.)
Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (Catalunya)
Publication date
1 imatge
Subjects and keywords
Delinqüents violents
Presons -- Catalunya
Presons -- Catalunya
Reincidència violenta
30 - Teories i metodologia en les ciències socials. Sociografia. Estudis de gènere
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- Investigacions [322]
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