Recommendations for professionals: Intervention in childhood and adolescence in case of sexual violence
Alternative title
Recomanacions per a professionals: Intervenció en infància i adolescència en cas de violència sexual
Recomendaciones para profesionales: Intervención en infancia y adolescencia frente a la violencia sexual
Document Type
Document version
Published version
These recommendations and guidelines are intended to serve as an initial guideline at the time of disclosure or discovery of sexual violence experienced by children and adolescents (NNA) and are focused on two groups: a) the family and close people in the child's environment and b) the teams of professionals accompanying them from the time of disclosure, with the clear aim of reducing secondary victimization. The recommendations have been designed as support material that highlight the action guidelines to be followed by institutions and adults who encounter and/or act upon the disclosure of sexual violence, and are intended to be a tool more towards interdisciplinary and inter-institutional work that allows minimizing the impact that this traumatic experience can have on the lives of children. The theoretical foundations of this publication are based on the national and international doctrinal body recognized and validated by the scientific community and other experts in the field.
BRAVO CORREA, Montserrat; JUÁREZ LÓPEZ, José Ramón. "Recommendations for professionals: Intervention in childhood and adolescence in case of sexual violence". Barcelona, 2023
Àrea d’Investigació i Formació en Execució Penal (CEJFE)
Publication date
30 p.
Is part of
Repositori de justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya
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